Google Rolling Out AI Organized Search Result in US
To improve the user’s experience and ease of accessing accurate information, Google has started rolling out AI Organized Search Result in the US. But, what is so special about these results and how will it be different from the existing results, let’s explore the same.
What is AI Organized Search Result?
As the name gives hint, it means the search results are organized by Artifical Intelligence.
This new Google Search feature will give you personalized result based on your entered query.
For example, if you search a keyword say “vegetarian pizza receipe”, you will get different results grouped by category/section. Each of these category showcase the results from different perspective, for eg. a section dedicating results for top vegetarian pizza receipes, another section for easy vegetarian dips, and another one titled “Explore by Ingredient” and so on. Do check the image below to get more understanding about this feature.

Note: While writing this blog post, this new feature has been rolled out for queries related to receipes and meal inspiration, but it will not take longer for Google to roll out this feature for other niche keywords as well.
Well, this is not a new feature as the Google Search team is testing this feature since 2007. However, the feature is now rolling out, starting with the US for select niche keywords.
If you have any helpful information for this new topic, feel free to let me know in the comments down below.